home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Wednesday, February 25

our little person should be looking something like this:
"The fetus is now 3 inches long and weighs almost an ounce. The muscles begin to develop and sex organs form. Eyelids, fingernails, and toenails also form. The child's spontaneous movements can be observed". more found here:
Jesus as a baby would have cryed when he was hungry, scared, cold, tierd, lonely, ovewelmed etc?? crying is not a sin it's a communication, isn't it?? his crying would have been his way to express a need?! he would have gone through all infant /child developmental stages??? yet without sin?!!

Tuesday, February 24

"The "oneness" of the first mothers and their babies would be discouraged in the modern world and seen as a harmful thing to children's growth and as preventing them from adapting to, and coping with, the real world. Mother and infant would be viewed as separate "me"s. In the modern world new ideas and inventions would be developed to keep mothers and babies apart and separate from each other."
things that separate mothers and babies
*artificial baby containers eg prams,
*Day care/ Creche
*Baby baths
*Thick baby Jackets (note many cultures such as the Inuit's carry the baby next to there bare skin under there clothes in cold weather)
*Playpens(thank you David )

anymore to add to the list please write in comments.

"In our world we do not see anything wrong in leaving an infant alone. Our society is based on the separateness of individuals rather than on their unity with each other. We do not see it as strange that infants are separated from their mothers the moment they are born or that they sleep alone in cribs and in their own rooms or that they drink from bottles and are seldom held. We do not find it unnatural for mothers to not be there for their babies and to work and to leave their babies in day care centers."

it's interesting that many people encourage you into restraint parenting ways ignoring inbuilt instincts, to create the separateness that seems to be desired, but then turn around and say you should stay at home. I just thought I would note that.

And for more reading pleasure just look here "Whatever Happened to Mother? A Primer For Those Who Care About Children by James Kimmel, Ph.D. For all the Children & to the Hard Guys of the World(the author is quite evolutionistic but the article is great)

BUT Beware readers who do not believe in instinctive , or responsive parenting, the link above may be offensive

Thursday, February 19

Well today a thought came to the surface of my brain, an intriguing thought that I wished to grab and chase wherever it ran to.
So the exploration has begun,
Sunday formal/congregational/(there's another word I can't think of just now) I know this is a subject of much passion/ideals for many, Loverly Mafu the great mind stirrer has addressed it, so have others.

My query was why do we have creche?? Why is worship no place for Kids? Is it separating coverdentual children from the worship of God?? Is it useful in the teaching/nuturing of the child to Know and worship and praise God?

Joanne has this to say:

I'll be honest I like my children next to me in church. I like for them to see me reach for a tissue, to nod my head in agreement, to shake my head vigorously, to bow my head in humility. I like for them to know that God transcends *age*.
Jesus did not say "Send the children to children's church and the rest of you follow me." I believe with every fiber of my being that the family is the Divine design for socialization, nurture and training a child in the way they should go.

Convenience or Conviction?
As far as I've studied into it there seems to be no Biblical bases for where the young children of the covenant are segregated away from the worship of God, the opposite seems to be true,
" The Lord Jesus had much to say about these covenant children: see Matt.19:13-15; Mark 10:14ff, Luke 18:17, Luke 9:46-48; Mark 9:33ff, among others. The words used to describe these children in the Greek span several stages of development: from embryo in the womb to infant from pre-weaned children to those just weaned, from those who are without the power of speech to those who could cry "Hosanna!" The most powerful of these passages is that of Matthew 19:13-15: "Then the little children were brought to Him that He might put [His] hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." 15And He laid [His] hands on them and departed from there" (NKJV)."

Some have regarded nurseries as a convenience where the adults would not be "bothered" by the activities of the young ones. There is something commendable in the desire not be distracted in worship. Yet, one asks, is this desire not to be distracted at the expense of our little ones hearing Christ's Word reached and to experience the teaching of the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs?This is a statement made by the Session of the Beal Heights PCA
Who have encouraged their congregation to bring little ones into the house of God this is how they have done it
A "Cry Room" is a room, usually inside of or adjacent to the auditorium where public worship is taking place Usually, cry rooms are separated by a glass window or partition, and a speaker system "pipes-in" the preaching of the Word of God. The rooms use is for parents to quiet their children who are temporarily disrupting the worship service. The attendants in the room are the parents of the a actual children making use of the room. Once a child is quieted, then the parent re-enters the auditorium with the child for the remainder of the service

And yes my mind has wandered down yet another path:..................
Is the reason we find it so hard to include our young ones is that we have created a service that is unfriendly for them, yeap they just don't fit in,So why try??!! we frown at youthful exuberance in them wanting to say amen at the end of the prayer or them wanting to sway/dance with the music (which is What many toddlers naturally do when the hear a rhythm, its built in). We tell them to shush if they show delight at recognising a bible story/character that the pastor has mentioned from the pulpit, or even if they seem to be smiling/enjoying it too much.
Maybe the old can learn from the young Maybe having little ones with us will open our eyes to the exhuberance and joy that we sometimes lose in praising God, and we can teach them.

Wednesday, February 18

Man I love fresh new season apples,
In our vegie box today I was extremely overjoyed to find a cluster of crisp ole' Cox orange apples, as I quickly devoured one then another and thoughts of how as a kid we had continually blundered our apple tree before these apples were fully ripe. As many orchard around New Zealand pull out many of the old variety's of apples, we shall find it harder and harder to enjoy the pleasure that is the Cox orange pippin (one of my all time favorites) my next is a fresh (I mean straight of the tree Breaburn) yummy

Another amazing thing was that out of everything I have tried to eat today only organic apples and organic ginger beer have stayed down (I wonder why that is???!!)

Tuesday, February 10

<Mummies, babies and chemestry
The wonderful way God has designed mothers and babies continually amazes me,
Yesterday we met our midwife, who yes seems to hold many of the same views as me(and David),
Having been at 200+ births most of them at home and having had 3 children (which she breastfeed to the age of 2), and after she shared her vision/phylosophy on pregnancy and birth we seemed very much on the same level,
So the journey has begun,
hehe we are strange and opted out of the ultrasound that usally occures 'bout now,
so onward we go towards the ultimate trumiph (natural birth is the ultimate self essteem booster)
to recieve a baby in our home to all cuddly up as a family(no single bed and no husband going home after visiting hours)
that's the dream anyway

NEW! NEW! i have just added a new link Attachment/instinctive parenting
please note the author of that article is a christain doctor and father of 8 ,(yes a male teaching a female how to mother i was reserveed to start of with but he seems to have a great understanding of maternal instincts and God's design in mother/baby interactions) And it's not written like a do this and you'll pass but do this and you'll fail, not much in his books goes against my instincts (otherwise i wouldn't touch them)
i have a collection of books by this guy these include:(complete with my notes/referances that connect what is said to child development/phycology books, bible texts, etc etc.)
-Christain parenting and childcare
-The birth book
-The fussy baby
-Nighttime parenting

Wednesday, February 4

boobys or boobies well yes Janet has hers broadcastered around the world anyway we(our culture) seems to have such a problem with them, that we blush at pictures of Tribal topless woman, We seem to view the breast as something purely sexual, this is a view that is taught us by advertising, society etc
no wonder people have so much trouble with breast feeding mothers!! barring/shunning them from public places telling them off for indesent exposure,
Arn't the breasts first and foremost God given baby feeding/comforting devices?!, Shouldn't we be tought this from a young age,

Monday, February 2

"My take is if organics is so good for everyone how come Wellington has so many ‘normal food’ averse people who seem to be allergic to things that many people have been eating without problems for several generations. I have heard of flats where the weird one is the person who doesn’t have a food allergy and can eat any old muck" i have trouble understanding the question but i'll try and answer

This comment was made on a friends blog, since i don't think it was my place to react to this statement on his blog i choose to comment on my own and attemp to explain why! so with my
Allergy and intolerances books on hand here i go.

Firstly i don't know what that statement has to do with organic food?! your talking about ALLERGIES, yes it's true that it seems many people with allergies and might i say intolarences as well DO eat organic, i'll explain why this may might be later.

I was a typical NZ kid, yeah had pretty bad excema as a baby (but some babies just do), and developed asthma (nothing major 1 in 5 NZ kids has it), Hayfever (well everyone gets that!). Anyway i grew out of most of my excema , yep i got colds, but mine often needed antibiotics to clear up the tonsilitus , that seemed to follow. I was a stuffy nose kid on asthma medication, antibiotics, nasal sprays/decongestants, antihistamines. But those childhood illnesses go with childhood, and it seemed like i grew out of them.
As an adult i still got touches of asthma, but started getting sinus problems. antibotics cleared everything up fine, and asthma medicine works sweet, pity i still couldn't breath proply but hey i had that my whole life,

Then i went to a doctor, who looked at my whole past health (yeah all thous minor childhood ilnesses) and instead of just giving me the antibiotic that would clear up my sinus infection, told me to stop eating all dairy products. Which worked! i could even now breath through my nose, You see the cause of most of my "childhood illnesses had been an intolarance to dairy, i had not just become allergic just like that but had be since i was a baby. my intolance signs had changed as i grew. first excema then asthma then sinus infections.

There are many illnesses/diseses that that might show that the have a masked sensitivity these include behavioural problems in children, chronic catarrah, learning disorders, asthma, epilepsy, obesity, psychiatric disorders, headaches, migraines, bowel disorders, arthritis, even cardiac problems. So there might be many people out there that have intolarance but just don't know it and yes they have the drugs to hide it so are pretty much healthy. (as i was as a child) or right it off as just one of thous things. Those people who eat muck might just have an intolarence but don't know it or chose to hide the symptoms with out getting to the root of the problem.

Why Does it seem that the sick ones (intolarance ang allergy) eat the "good wholesome food" when the "well" one eat muck and are okay
As i methoned above they may have a masked sensitivity,
Okay i had a fairly typical childhood pleanty of sammies and milk, yep i would still be eating that if that doctor hadn't discovered what was making me sick.( I wasn't really sick thou, yeah i had a blocked nose, not much really) So i had to change my diet,i felt more energetic, slept better, had less headaches my skin was better etc when i gave up dairy, i also became aware of how my body works, how what i ate effected me, this naturally progressed into organics and natural cleaning products.
also a search for dairy free goods seemed to draw me to commonsense organic shop (where they have a large selection of dairy free stuff)

Where did all these "allergies" come about?
Emotional causes
" Emotional states effect the immune system and hence our allergic status"
eg. some allergies don't show themselves until some emotional trauma/stresses happens in the persons life,

body not coping with toxins
"The body's enzymes detoxify all the poisons we eat, breath and otherwise absorb on a daily basis. as our world becomes more toxic, so this enzyme system becomes more stressed. Individuals who have low levels of activity or actual deficientcies of these general detoxifying enzymes seem to be more prone to food sensitivity. the incident of food intolarances in these individuals appears to be abnormally high,
proberly because the body simply cannot cope with the toxic load, so any further minor stimulus results in symptoms,one of which may be food intolarance"

physical or psychological insults
"occurs when person who has been otherwise symptomless, but may have recieved some physical or psycological insult which has upset there system very drematically. as a consequence they fail to cope with there enviromental stessers, "

overexposure to a substance
the first foods we are introduced to are often Wheat and Cows milk, and through out i childhood these remain staples. I understand that only in resent times cows milk has been altered (homogenised, pasturised, heat treated ) and there are ony two strains of wheat mainly grown, when there was once many more, so we are now exposed to too much of the same, or an alter version of what was once consumed. This is the same with many other foods, is this where the problem has stemmed from????
well here i am and the score stands at 2 for the day so far (im talking about morning sickness) but i seem to be crawling out from my month of hybination, (i hope)