home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Thursday, February 24

thanks to Tulipgirls blog i have been inspired to write this

"Mothers who demand feed say they love their children because they tend to their every need. That is not biblical love; it's idolatry." (Prep) [Note that Mr. Ezzo says the idolatry is in meeting their needs, not wants]

"Ezzo on the Parent / Child Relationship: "Your task is to get control of the child so you can effectively train him." (GKGW)

Parent's Job or Holy Spirit's Job?: "The job of a parent is to transform the heart from what it is to what it should be." (GKGW p 308)

becouse of writting by Ezzo like the above, i act by posting these links by others that also feel that ezzo is harmful

powers that blog It's All About Respect

glorifying God with Carrots in our hair

wyatts torch Ezzo and the Immoral Baby

the contiuim concept and from this site

The Importance of the In-Arms Phase (getting a bit off topic)
by Jean Liedloff

"In the two and a half years during which I lived among Stone Age Indians in the South American jungle (not all at once, but on five separate expeditions with a lot of time between them for reflection), I came to see that our human nature is not what we have been brought up to believe it is. Babies of the Yequana tribe, far from needing peace and quiet to go to sleep, snoozed blissfully whenever they were tired, while the men, women, or children carrying them danced, ran, walked, shouted, or paddled canoes. Toddlers played together without fighting or arguing, and they obeyed their elders instantly and willingly.

The notion of punishing a child had apparently never occurred to these people, nor did their behavior show anything that could truly be called permissiveness. No child would have dreamed of inconveniencing, interrupting, or being waited on by an adult. And by the age of four, children were contributing more to the work force in their family than they were costing others.

Babes in arms almost never cried and, fascinatingly, did not wave their arms, kick, arch their backs, or flex their hands and feet. They sat quietly in their slings or slept on someone's hip — exploding the myth that babies need to flex to "exercise." They also did not throw up unless extremely ill and did not suffer from colic. When startled during the first months of crawling and walking, they did not expect anyone to go to them but rather went on their own to their mother or other caretakers for the measure of reassurance needed before resuming their explorations. Without supervision, even the smallest tots rarely hurt themselves.

Is their "human nature" different from ours? Some people actually imagine that it is, but there is, of course, only one human species. What can we learn from the Yequana tribe?"

and some interesting observations on baby wearing......."
Because of the child's need to participate, it is also important that caretakers not just sit and gaze at the baby or continually ask what the baby wants, but lead active lives themselves. Occasionally one cannot resist giving a baby a flurry of kisses; however, a baby who is programmed to watch you living your busy life is confused and frustrated when you spend your time watching him living his. A baby who is in the business of absorbing what life is like as lived by you is thrown into confusion if you ask him to direct it"......

'The second essential function of the in-arms experience appears to have escaped the notice of everyone (including me, until the mid-1960s). It is to provide babies with a means of discharging their excess energy until they are able to do so themselves. In the months before being able to get around under their own power, babies accumulate energy from the absorption of food and sunshine. A baby therefore needs constant contact with the energy field of an active person, who can discharge the unused excess for each of them. This explains why the Yequana babies were so strangely relaxed — why they did not stiffen, kick, arch, or flex to relieve themselves of an uncomfortable accumulation of energy."

"To provide the optimum in-arms experience, we have to discharge our own energy efficiently. One can very quickly calm a fussing baby by running or jumping with the child, or by dancing or doing whatever eliminates one's own energy excess. A mother or father who must suddenly go out to get something need not say, "Here, you hold the baby. I'm going to run down to the shop." The one doing the running can take the baby along for the ride. The more action, the better!"

this explains why Lucy falls asleep in the sling while moshing at concerts

Wednesday, February 23

hey i'm raising money for World Vision by doing a 7 day (168 hour) sugar famine go here to my online sponsership book

Sponser me please!!!

Tuesday, February 22

fellow bloggers who write about much the same domesticalitys as me( unsure if the links work please tell me if they don't)

Shoshoi's blog gentle mamma in oz
Maggie's Blog

Parenting From the Inside Out
How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive

Sunday, February 20

things i leartnt lately from here

"History may repeat itself in the marketing of these super-absorbent single-use diapers. The Rely® tampon, introduced in 1975 was removed from the marketplace because of the sometimes fatal Toxic Shock Syndrome associated with its use. These super-absorbent crystals are the same ones now being used in single-use diapers!"

also "Most brands also have fragrances and perfumes"

"Many doctors claim there is a rise in infections, especially in baby girls, as parents tend to change single-use diapers much less often than cloth diapers. Single-use diapers don't breathe well and don't feel wet, increasing diaper rash as heat and moisture provide an excellent medium for bacterial growth.
Employees in factories manufacturing super-absorbent diapers suffer from fatigue, female-organ problems, slow-healing wounds (suggesting a compromise of their immune system) and weight loss. "

so 'sposes may be comprimising the health of the child, the manifacture, and the enviroment??

Also ive started tuning in to Lucys comunications and practice someting known as EC
more info here she's 6 months and we're still tuning into each other.

Thursday, February 17

Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello
6 month photo shoot Posted by Hello

Friday, February 11

i'm excited in aprox' 2.5 weeks i'll have this book "Biblical Parenting by Crystal Lutton"

or this review

i'm getting it through Manna Christain stores, secretly hoping they will take note and get in some 'gentle''grace based' parenting Books to balance out thier huge selection of Ezzo goop.(funny thing is they only stock his secular stuff not his 'prep for parenting on Grow Kids G'ary's way)

i hve a wish list on amazon (mainly kiddy books with positive and extented brastfeeding, Co sleeping Pics)

Tuesday, February 1

more woman in the workforse more childcare centres
what could the results of this be,???

Research: New Studies Link Long Child Care Hours to Behavior Problems

will it hamper close attachments between parents ard children?..

see Bonding Matters. . .The Chemistry of Attachmentby Linda F. Palmer, DC for an overview of why this is important

"Persistent regular body contact and other nurturing acts by parents produce a constant, elevated level of oxytocin in the infant, which in turn provides a valuable reduction in the infant's stress-hormone responses. Multiple psychology studies have demonstrated that, depending on the practices of the parents, the resulting high or low level of oxytocin will control the permanent organization of the stress-handling portion of the baby's brain-promoting lasting "securely attached" or "insecure" characteristics in the adolescent and adult. Such insecure characteristics include anti-social behavior, aggression, difficulty forming lasting bonds with a mate, mental illness, and poor handling of stress."
from Bonding matters

The Attachment Cycle by Barbara Nicholson

and will it mean that there will be less breastfeeding babys.?? most proberly

the World Health Organisation recomends ....." continued breastfeeding for up to two years of age or beyond, emphasizing channeIs of social dissemination of these concepts in order to lead communities to adhere to these practices."

another insightful blog from Tulipgirl on parenting resourses (hehe the title of the passage she just wrote reminds me of the rolling stones song)

i'm listening to the Temptations Anthology on LP (the '73 edition) it got ***** here