home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, February 10

Yesterday we met our midwife, who yes seems to hold many of the same views as me(and David),
Having been at 200+ births most of them at home and having had 3 children (which she breastfeed to the age of 2), and after she shared her vision/phylosophy on pregnancy and birth we seemed very much on the same level,
So the journey has begun,
hehe we are strange and opted out of the ultrasound that usally occures 'bout now,
so onward we go towards the ultimate trumiph (natural birth is the ultimate self essteem booster)
to recieve a baby in our home to all cuddly up as a family(no single bed and no husband going home after visiting hours)
that's the dream anyway

NEW! NEW! i have just added a new link Attachment/instinctive parenting
please note the author of that article is a christain doctor and father of 8 ,(yes a male teaching a female how to mother i was reserveed to start of with but he seems to have a great understanding of maternal instincts and God's design in mother/baby interactions) And it's not written like a do this and you'll pass but do this and you'll fail, not much in his books goes against my instincts (otherwise i wouldn't touch them)
i have a collection of books by this guy these include:(complete with my notes/referances that connect what is said to child development/phycology books, bible texts, etc etc.)
-Christain parenting and childcare
-The birth book
-The fussy baby
-Nighttime parenting


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