home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Monday, February 2

"My take is if organics is so good for everyone how come Wellington has so many ‘normal food’ averse people who seem to be allergic to things that many people have been eating without problems for several generations. I have heard of flats where the weird one is the person who doesn’t have a food allergy and can eat any old muck" i have trouble understanding the question but i'll try and answer

This comment was made on a friends blog, since i don't think it was my place to react to this statement on his blog i choose to comment on my own and attemp to explain why! so with my
Allergy and intolerances books on hand here i go.

Firstly i don't know what that statement has to do with organic food?! your talking about ALLERGIES, yes it's true that it seems many people with allergies and might i say intolarences as well DO eat organic, i'll explain why this may might be later.

I was a typical NZ kid, yeah had pretty bad excema as a baby (but some babies just do), and developed asthma (nothing major 1 in 5 NZ kids has it), Hayfever (well everyone gets that!). Anyway i grew out of most of my excema , yep i got colds, but mine often needed antibiotics to clear up the tonsilitus , that seemed to follow. I was a stuffy nose kid on asthma medication, antibiotics, nasal sprays/decongestants, antihistamines. But those childhood illnesses go with childhood, and it seemed like i grew out of them.
As an adult i still got touches of asthma, but started getting sinus problems. antibotics cleared everything up fine, and asthma medicine works sweet, pity i still couldn't breath proply but hey i had that my whole life,

Then i went to a doctor, who looked at my whole past health (yeah all thous minor childhood ilnesses) and instead of just giving me the antibiotic that would clear up my sinus infection, told me to stop eating all dairy products. Which worked! i could even now breath through my nose, You see the cause of most of my "childhood illnesses had been an intolarance to dairy, i had not just become allergic just like that but had be since i was a baby. my intolance signs had changed as i grew. first excema then asthma then sinus infections.

There are many illnesses/diseses that that might show that the have a masked sensitivity these include behavioural problems in children, chronic catarrah, learning disorders, asthma, epilepsy, obesity, psychiatric disorders, headaches, migraines, bowel disorders, arthritis, even cardiac problems. So there might be many people out there that have intolarance but just don't know it and yes they have the drugs to hide it so are pretty much healthy. (as i was as a child) or right it off as just one of thous things. Those people who eat muck might just have an intolarence but don't know it or chose to hide the symptoms with out getting to the root of the problem.

Why Does it seem that the sick ones (intolarance ang allergy) eat the "good wholesome food" when the "well" one eat muck and are okay
As i methoned above they may have a masked sensitivity,
Okay i had a fairly typical childhood pleanty of sammies and milk, yep i would still be eating that if that doctor hadn't discovered what was making me sick.( I wasn't really sick thou, yeah i had a blocked nose, not much really) So i had to change my diet,i felt more energetic, slept better, had less headaches my skin was better etc when i gave up dairy, i also became aware of how my body works, how what i ate effected me, this naturally progressed into organics and natural cleaning products.
also a search for dairy free goods seemed to draw me to commonsense organic shop (where they have a large selection of dairy free stuff)

Where did all these "allergies" come about?
Emotional causes
" Emotional states effect the immune system and hence our allergic status"
eg. some allergies don't show themselves until some emotional trauma/stresses happens in the persons life,

body not coping with toxins
"The body's enzymes detoxify all the poisons we eat, breath and otherwise absorb on a daily basis. as our world becomes more toxic, so this enzyme system becomes more stressed. Individuals who have low levels of activity or actual deficientcies of these general detoxifying enzymes seem to be more prone to food sensitivity. the incident of food intolarances in these individuals appears to be abnormally high,
proberly because the body simply cannot cope with the toxic load, so any further minor stimulus results in symptoms,one of which may be food intolarance"

physical or psychological insults
"occurs when person who has been otherwise symptomless, but may have recieved some physical or psycological insult which has upset there system very drematically. as a consequence they fail to cope with there enviromental stessers, "

overexposure to a substance
the first foods we are introduced to are often Wheat and Cows milk, and through out i childhood these remain staples. I understand that only in resent times cows milk has been altered (homogenised, pasturised, heat treated ) and there are ony two strains of wheat mainly grown, when there was once many more, so we are now exposed to too much of the same, or an alter version of what was once consumed. This is the same with many other foods, is this where the problem has stemmed from????


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