home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, February 24

"The "oneness" of the first mothers and their babies would be discouraged in the modern world and seen as a harmful thing to children's growth and as preventing them from adapting to, and coping with, the real world. Mother and infant would be viewed as separate "me"s. In the modern world new ideas and inventions would be developed to keep mothers and babies apart and separate from each other."
things that separate mothers and babies
*artificial baby containers eg prams,
*Day care/ Creche
*Baby baths
*Thick baby Jackets (note many cultures such as the Inuit's carry the baby next to there bare skin under there clothes in cold weather)
*Playpens(thank you David )

anymore to add to the list please write in comments.

"In our world we do not see anything wrong in leaving an infant alone. Our society is based on the separateness of individuals rather than on their unity with each other. We do not see it as strange that infants are separated from their mothers the moment they are born or that they sleep alone in cribs and in their own rooms or that they drink from bottles and are seldom held. We do not find it unnatural for mothers to not be there for their babies and to work and to leave their babies in day care centers."

it's interesting that many people encourage you into restraint parenting ways ignoring inbuilt instincts, to create the separateness that seems to be desired, but then turn around and say you should stay at home. I just thought I would note that.

And for more reading pleasure just look here "Whatever Happened to Mother? A Primer For Those Who Care About Children by James Kimmel, Ph.D. For all the Children & to the Hard Guys of the World(the author is quite evolutionistic but the article is great)

BUT Beware readers who do not believe in instinctive , or responsive parenting, the link above may be offensive


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