home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, April 27

I would like to exalt myself and say just how wifely I have been of late, firstly of the storage of a baby has no doubt created a more wifely stature,

secondly potential beatification of our home, I found myself on Saturday planting/replanting (a fellow housemate accidentally knocked them over) bulbs, (daffodils, hyacinths,cocus' etc etc ) these are all planted in pots, the plan being that they can be brought inside to bloom, so come late august /September the presence of spring flowers and a new person will make our house one of great joy,

and thirdly today i stewed/preserved apples which had been cloglomerating in our kitchen till I realized there was no way I was ever gonna be able to eat that many..
and I pickled beetroot (which has also been a regular in our vegie box).
The only hope now is this productiveness in the home might spill over onto other tasks such as cleaning , but it is yet to do so. To be honest the day that i become a all these things really scares me, it quite a foreign concept really,

Come tonight to our weekly communal dinner, full of wholesome delight, and the way IM going tonight's gonna be a scinterlating feed.
anybody and everybody come and bring friends .

Tuesday, April 13

I have a new found delight in porridge this morning made with organic oats the served with a tablespoon of molasses and a little honey

so as i do i thought il'd seek some insite into this humble meal and i found this


The oat plant is perhaps one of nature's most underrated whole foods. The oat plant is rich in B vitamins acting as a nerve tonic and antidepressant. It helps fight fatigue and calms your nerves at the same time.

Oat straw tea and grains help to replace minerals lost to the body due to stress of being overly tired. It additionally assists in the assimilation of calcium. Oats also have the ability to enhance or balance estrogen in the body. "

And yes i even have oatstaw tea on the shelf

Thursday, April 1

Birth control pills cause Abortions
I've been researching into this for some time, seems odd to me that many woman don't research into what they take into there body's and what it actually does?!,
I myself have had a hard time with the possibility that a child might have been conceived while i was shortly on the pill and it was me who Killed this child. So i think we need to spread the word,

The Pill and its "cousins" kill children earlier in their life than surgical abortion. In America, chemical abortions are estimated to kill more than 7 million babies each year -- while surgical abortions kill about 1.5 million babies each year.

The Food and Drug Administration stated in 1978 that:

Combination oral contraceptives . . . [make] alterations in the genital tract including changes in the . . . endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation) . . . but progestogen only contraceptives [re: mini-pills] are known to alter the cervical mucus, exert a progestational effect on the endometrium, interfering with implantation. (Emphasis added)

In other words the pill is FIRSTLY ment to stop ovulation (release of an egg) but it doesn't always do so. SECONDLY it changes the texture of mucus so sperm have a hard time getting to this egg, And THIRDLY it alters the lining of the womb so that the fertilized Egg can't implant. (thus we abort the conceived new life)"It's very important to understand that when a sperm penetrates one of your eggs, you have conceived a child. Again, this is called fertilization or conception and from that point on, you have a brand new, genetically complete son or daughter."

"The Pill - How Does It Work?" By Albert D. Lorincz, M.D.: Cites a study of 1,200 women given a daily amount of progestogen equivalent to many birth control pills. 60% of them ovulated.

"Birth Control: Why Are They Lying to Women?" By J.C. Espinoza, M.D. (page 27) cites research which showed a 30% ovulation rate in women taking a combined Pill preparation.

Some useful sites

quiverfull Pill Fact sheet
Pill truths
this one is a great article

Some useful sites on Natural family planning (yep getting to know your body when your fertile etc) not as hard as it sounds,

Natural Fertility New Zealand
WOOMB (billing method)

poem posted originally on "the rough woodsman blog"about abortion

I am alive
Can you not see?
Hidden behind the veil of tissue and warmth
Waiting for my precious chance
at life promised to me by hands that vow to save life
and arms that should long to hold me,
and leaders who are supposed to protect me.

I am alive.
I have a voice and a soul
and a right to life, liberty, and happiness.
A right to smear my tears on a soft shoulder,
and touch sticky, sugary fingers on window panes.
A right to speak my mind, protest a war, or pledge
allegiance to God and country.
A right to pursue my dreams and fail the tests of life
or taste its victories. A right to love and lose or
hold my own someday and nourish life...passing it on
to the next generation.