home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, April 27

I would like to exalt myself and say just how wifely I have been of late, firstly of the storage of a baby has no doubt created a more wifely stature,

secondly potential beatification of our home, I found myself on Saturday planting/replanting (a fellow housemate accidentally knocked them over) bulbs, (daffodils, hyacinths,cocus' etc etc ) these are all planted in pots, the plan being that they can be brought inside to bloom, so come late august /September the presence of spring flowers and a new person will make our house one of great joy,

and thirdly today i stewed/preserved apples which had been cloglomerating in our kitchen till I realized there was no way I was ever gonna be able to eat that many..
and I pickled beetroot (which has also been a regular in our vegie box).
The only hope now is this productiveness in the home might spill over onto other tasks such as cleaning , but it is yet to do so. To be honest the day that i become a all these things really scares me, it quite a foreign concept really,

Come tonight to our weekly communal dinner, full of wholesome delight, and the way IM going tonight's gonna be a scinterlating feed.
anybody and everybody come and bring friends .


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