home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Monday, June 28

heres an interesting something that Tulip Girl posted

"Parenting and the Westminster Divines
From a recent Christian History Corner article:

In their teaching on the fifth commandment ("Honor thy father and thy mother … "), the Calvinist divines who authored the Westminster Larger Catechism (1648) extended the terms "father" and "mother" to cover all relations of "superior" to "inferior" persons. Like Benedict's rule, the questions dealing with parental responsibilities and failures reflects a balanced, wise treatment of the subjects of authority and discipline. . .:
Q. 129. What is required of superiors towards their inferiors?
A. It is required of superiors, according to that power they receive from God, and that relation wherein they stand, to love, pray for, and bless their inferiors; to instruct, counsel, and admonish them; countenancing, commending, and rewarding such as do well; and discountenancing, reproving, and chastising such as do ill; protecting, and providing for them all things necessary for soul and body: and by grave, wise, holy, and exemplary carriage, to procure glory to God, honour to themselves, and so to preserve that authority which God hath put upon them.

Q. 130. What are the sins of superiors?

A. The sins of superiors are, besides the neglect of the duties required of them, and inordinate seeking of themselves, their own glory, ease, profit, or pleasure; commanding things unlawful, or not in the power of inferiors to perform; counseling, encouraging, or favouring them in that which is evil; dissuading, discouraging, or discountenancing them in that which is good; correcting them unduly; careless exposing, or leaving them to wrong, temptation, and danger; provoking them to wrath; or any way dishonouring themselves, or lessening their authority, by an unjust, indiscreet, rigorous, or remiss behaviour.

I find this a striking passage. Parents, the catechism is saying, sin against their children when they "correct them unduly," "provoke them to wrath," or slip into any other "unjust … rigorous … behavior." Are you surprised, as I was, to see the tendency toward parental strictness (which I possess) decidedly not recommended or reinforced by these supposedly strict Calvinists? Frankly, as I read through this section of the catechism, I both said "ouch" repeatedly, and asked for God's grace to come more closely into alignment with the biblical standard.

I'm feeling convicted.

May God enable us to parent our children with wisdom and grace."

i hope she dosn't mind me repeating her post here
thanks Tulipgirl

Friday, June 25


This was something i forgot to put on my list, anyway i've been a vegetarian for 6 years (but yep i'm a false one and eat fish) but theres no way i can sink my teeth into a hunk of dead cow or pig or sheep eeeewwww

hehe anyway heres some interesting people who are also vego's
Bryan Adams Singer, musician, composer,
Scott Adams The Dilbert guy!
Hans Christian Andersen Writer
Fiona Apple Singer, actress, composer, Vegan
Joan Armatrading Singer, Musician
Erykah Badu Singer, actress, composer
Brigitte Bardot Actress
Shirley Bassey Singer, Musician
Victoria Beckham Actress, composer
Peter Brock Australia's most successful and famous motor racing driver.
Montserat Caballe Great Soprano Opera singer
Dan Castellaneta Actor, Voice of Homer Simpson
Greg Chappell Australian cricket legend
Tracy Chapman Singer, Musician
John Cleese Actor, Comedian
Chelsea Clinton Daughter of the former President
Leonard Cohen Canadian poet and musician
Billy Connolly Actor
Tom Cruise Actor
Penélope Cruz Actress
Leonardo da Vinci Artist
Danny De Vito Actor,Comedian
John Denver Singer, Musician
Bob Dylan Singer/songwriter
Albert Einstein Theoretical Physicist
Ralph Waldo Emerson Writer
Michael J. Fox Actor
Boy George Singer
Richard Gere Actor
Mel Gibson Actor
Whoopie Goldberg Actor
George Harrison Singer, Musician
Dustin Hoffman Actor
Captain Alan Jones Who did 17,003 consecutive pushups
Lenny Kravitz Singer, composer, actor
Jude Law Actor, director
Bob Marley Singer, actor, composer
Sir Isaac Newton Some lapses
Ozzy Osborne Singer, Musician
Gwyneth Paltrow Actress
Anna Paquin Actress
Plato Promoted vegetarian diet in The Republic
Prince Singer, Musician
Pythagoras Greek philosopher and mathematition, 6th cent. BC
Smokey Robinson Singer, Musician
Dennis Rodman Athlete
Dave Scott 6 time Iron man triatholon winner
Jerry Seinfeld Comedian, actor, writer, producer
Peter Sellers Actor
William Shakespeare Some lapses
George Bernard Shaw Writer
Britney Spears Singer, Actress, Composer, Producer
Mark Twain Writer
Liv Tyler Actress
Vincent Van Gogh Artist
Brad Pitt
Orlando Bloom (Actor, played the elf in Lord of the Rings, also animal rights activist!)

Thursday, June 17

please feel free to cut down/put down my thoughts and views on the below things. Sometimes i wonder why God has given me a mind that just seems to work differently than everyone elses. Why do i come to different conclusions on subjects?!
Anyway, a while back i was thinking this is disobedience. Disobedence to the people around me and to the majority. Maybe it is ?! and maybe i should stop swimming up-stream, and just conform to others thoughts. It wouldn't be such a struggle then.

So heres a list of weird things i think/like, to put to rest:- (so gasp and cringe all you want, then let it rip)

*planning a Homebirth
*wanting a home/haven that has atmosphere/ colour /positive vibes/ textures and art
*Preparing myself for birth using Yoga/ and relaxation techniques used in Yoga
*attending massage in labour workshop with David
*random wandering through the city
*Wanting to always be creative/never to let myself fall into the adults don't have imagination catagory
*Believing Children should be encouraged to fulfil there creative depth, not to hinder it becouse society see's it as immature,
*collecting vinyl records,
*being interested and continally reasearch about Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, etc etc
*listening to radio Active
*my desire in having good Sounds , (car stereo, home stereo etc)
*liking Bjork
*talking to absolutely anybody, anywhere (even though i have leand a great deal from the homeless)
*making my own clothes
*making and planning to use cloth nappies
*making baby clothes that arn't "baby" colours
*painting the fridge in circles
*planning on Breastfeeding past a Year
*liking Dub music
*beleif in learning and responding to babys cues, creating a harmonious understanding,
*wanting to do a David and Ange New Zealand tour
*wanting to move back to Nelson
*planning to Co-sleep with the baby
*doing many jobs at once never just one form of income
*the desire to go out and watch musicans live
*not having a pram, push chair
*designing and making Baby slings
*belief that God has created Mamma's and Babys to be together (sincronised) day and night

*To be a good steward of my enviroment and the greater surrounding enviroment,
-using non toxic cleaning products eg baking soda, vineger, tea tree oil, salt
-buying produce that hasn't been sprayed with chemicals and has been grown in a way that cares for the soils
-being careful with how much waste i create
-trying to live as sustainably as i can (using resourses in a careful way)
-believing that God calls me to do these things

*Smiling and showing joy/happiness when i feel joy and happiness
*never putting up a mask to hide who i truly am,
*to see the world as though i have never seen it before, to notice little things that make me smile even in my everyday enviroment.
*to research, study continuausly through life (never stop learning)
*believing that many dieseses stem from nutritional and lifestlye causes
*being a good steward of my body also means staying fit, eating healthy, having a positive/settled mental wellbeing, not putting unneccesary chemicals on or in my body,
*questioning weather the curse on Eve in Genesis means actual pain in childbirth or toil in childbirth (Adam shall toil with the land, Eve shall toil in bringing forth children)
*being a servant doesn't mean you don't let them do what they can do or want to do themselves
*questioning routine Vaccinations
*questioning the biblical solidity in physical punishment
*feeling strongly in being Christlike in everything (including child raising)
*having realfellowship with others, learning who they are truly, where there at in life, etcetc (not just christains )
*not judging people today by what they have done in the past (believing that people can completely change)
*believing that to worship/love God with our heart, soul and mind. i have to worship/love him with my emotions,as well as my intalect. otherwise i'm not obeying this command.
*not having any Ulrasound scans during pregnancy
*belief that children indeed show praise to God often through dance/movement/actions/ seeing His beauty in creation more redily
*questioning the validity of creche at church
*living life as though it's a gift and treating new life the same way
*being wifely doesn't mean you have to be the head cleaner, or cook,
*homemaker to me means the one that works to create a haven,
*being open to others about struggles in life, (mental/spiritual/physical etc)

Friday, June 11

i ha_e added a new link attachment parenting what is it?
Sla_ery or bartaring in modern times
a skill/labour is gi_en and the payment is accomadation and food,
check out this site on wwoofing
Actions speak louder than Words,

Something that has emerged from the fog of my mind is that this is indeed true in all areas of our li_es (i'm not saying words arn't hurtful or anything).

one reason i think the way i do on parenting is this thought.
I am going to show in my actions to my child Gentleness, Mercy, Compassion, Loe ,Kindness, Self sacrifice, Comfort, Understanding, becouse i want them to learn these things i hae to act them out. I hae to behae as christ to them for them to learn most effecti_ely what christ is truly like.

Thursday, June 3

This article was in the DomPost today. Hae a read:

Cosmetics pose risk for children

Children are at greater risk of cancers and fertility problems in later in life because of the growing use of cosmetics and toiletries, health experts say.
Adolescents and parents of young children are buying more beauty poducts made for adults, and toiletries such as baby wipes. Fertility experts, cancer specialists and enironmentalists are alarmed at eidence that most of these products use potentially dangerous chemicals linked to breast cancer, falling sperm counts and hormonal damage.
The World Health organisation and European health enironment ministers will issue a warning this month. A Friends of the Earth report has accused Britian's biggest retailers of failing to reduce these chemicals in producats. The ingredients of concen inculede parabens, used in body lotions, which can affect oestrogen leels and hae been linked with breast cancer. - The Independent

Wednesday, June 2

woohoo i'm getting painted today by my belo-ed charming friend Kathy ,quite exciting really to hae a bit of my life recorded in paint, baby belly and all.

Tuesday, June 1

Home birthing
peoples reactions to this word differ;
some say i must be brae, some say its awesome, some say what are hospitals for?! Some just look at me as if im crazy, some just see it as being outright irresponsible,
So i thought i would attempt to defend myself in this.

Yes we plan to hae our Baby at home, but this doesn't mean we arn't going to transfer if something looks like it might go wrong (our midwife wouldn't let us stay at home anyway).

I don't want to hae synthetic medication/pain killers so easily on hand (an easy option). This doesn't mean we arn't going to hae systems in place for easing discomfort, we're haing a birthing pool, massage, hot and cold compresses etc.

I want to gie birth in an eniroment where i feel comforable, able to relax and let my body do what it does. Home is the obious place for that. Surrounded by familiar sounds, smells, my own things, colours, good food. Things and people that i know and loe.

I want Daid to feel like he's a part of it during and after the birth. A bigger bed means he doesn't hae to go home at night or be a isitor. We can spend the first few days/hours together.

A nice eniroment for friends and family to isit after the little person is here. They can hang out on couches fix themseles cups of tea , bake biscuits, etc with no scary hospital lifts and coridors.

Yet the option is always there for the bedroom door to be closed and for mamma/baby rest time.

To me haing this little person at home is commonsence. To quote: "giing birth is not an illness"

Anyway there you hae a few of my thoughts splattered onto your screens. There are more and i could go into it in some great debth but hey its mainly a bunch of daids guy friends that read this blog and ill be surprirsed weather any of them would hae got this far. I should be posting about computor games or chicken dancing or computor problems at work or the cost of beer and cigarettes.
My posts do seem highly unapproprate considering the audience sometimes.

Guess what letter isn't working on our keyboard??HeHE