home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Thursday, June 17

please feel free to cut down/put down my thoughts and views on the below things. Sometimes i wonder why God has given me a mind that just seems to work differently than everyone elses. Why do i come to different conclusions on subjects?!
Anyway, a while back i was thinking this is disobedience. Disobedence to the people around me and to the majority. Maybe it is ?! and maybe i should stop swimming up-stream, and just conform to others thoughts. It wouldn't be such a struggle then.

So heres a list of weird things i think/like, to put to rest:- (so gasp and cringe all you want, then let it rip)

*planning a Homebirth
*wanting a home/haven that has atmosphere/ colour /positive vibes/ textures and art
*Preparing myself for birth using Yoga/ and relaxation techniques used in Yoga
*attending massage in labour workshop with David
*random wandering through the city
*Wanting to always be creative/never to let myself fall into the adults don't have imagination catagory
*Believing Children should be encouraged to fulfil there creative depth, not to hinder it becouse society see's it as immature,
*collecting vinyl records,
*being interested and continally reasearch about Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, etc etc
*listening to radio Active
*my desire in having good Sounds , (car stereo, home stereo etc)
*liking Bjork
*talking to absolutely anybody, anywhere (even though i have leand a great deal from the homeless)
*making my own clothes
*making and planning to use cloth nappies
*making baby clothes that arn't "baby" colours
*painting the fridge in circles
*planning on Breastfeeding past a Year
*liking Dub music
*beleif in learning and responding to babys cues, creating a harmonious understanding,
*wanting to do a David and Ange New Zealand tour
*wanting to move back to Nelson
*planning to Co-sleep with the baby
*doing many jobs at once never just one form of income
*the desire to go out and watch musicans live
*not having a pram, push chair
*designing and making Baby slings
*belief that God has created Mamma's and Babys to be together (sincronised) day and night

*To be a good steward of my enviroment and the greater surrounding enviroment,
-using non toxic cleaning products eg baking soda, vineger, tea tree oil, salt
-buying produce that hasn't been sprayed with chemicals and has been grown in a way that cares for the soils
-being careful with how much waste i create
-trying to live as sustainably as i can (using resourses in a careful way)
-believing that God calls me to do these things

*Smiling and showing joy/happiness when i feel joy and happiness
*never putting up a mask to hide who i truly am,
*to see the world as though i have never seen it before, to notice little things that make me smile even in my everyday enviroment.
*to research, study continuausly through life (never stop learning)
*believing that many dieseses stem from nutritional and lifestlye causes
*being a good steward of my body also means staying fit, eating healthy, having a positive/settled mental wellbeing, not putting unneccesary chemicals on or in my body,
*questioning weather the curse on Eve in Genesis means actual pain in childbirth or toil in childbirth (Adam shall toil with the land, Eve shall toil in bringing forth children)
*being a servant doesn't mean you don't let them do what they can do or want to do themselves
*questioning routine Vaccinations
*questioning the biblical solidity in physical punishment
*feeling strongly in being Christlike in everything (including child raising)
*having realfellowship with others, learning who they are truly, where there at in life, etcetc (not just christains )
*not judging people today by what they have done in the past (believing that people can completely change)
*believing that to worship/love God with our heart, soul and mind. i have to worship/love him with my emotions,as well as my intalect. otherwise i'm not obeying this command.
*not having any Ulrasound scans during pregnancy
*belief that children indeed show praise to God often through dance/movement/actions/ seeing His beauty in creation more redily
*questioning the validity of creche at church
*living life as though it's a gift and treating new life the same way
*being wifely doesn't mean you have to be the head cleaner, or cook,
*homemaker to me means the one that works to create a haven,
*being open to others about struggles in life, (mental/spiritual/physical etc)


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