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Monday, April 3

yay i've got a bike and it's supa cool, but i can't fit a helmet over my hair ,

but i found this

2 June, 2004- Cyclist Patrick Morgan has won a rare exemption from having to wear a helmet by claiming it gives him migraine headaches. In fact, the Wellington man says his head hurts just thinking about the regulation, which requires most cyclists to wear helmets or face $55 fines. He first sought an exemption under a "reasonable grounds" category but was turned down. But armed with a doctor's certificate, he reapplied on medical grounds and won.

LTSA spokesman Andy Knackstedt said his agency did not fear a rush for exemptions. He did not know how many exemptions the authority had granted in recent times, but produced figures showing that 58 were issued in the five years to 2000, compared with 11 declined applications.

Applications were mainly on medical grounds, such as having too large a head to carry a helmet, or a hypersensitive scalp. But nine applications were on religious grounds, on which Green MP Nandor Tanczos relied to gain an exemption because a bicycle helmet would not fit over his dreadlocks. Sikh Society Auckland president Daljit Singh said members of his faith were similarly exempt because of their turbans.

The rules requiring cyclists to wear helmets allow exemptions on three grounds: medical, religious or "other reasonable grounds". Among reasons for seeking exemptions were:

Headaches and/or claustrophobia - 13; Large head - 9; Hypersensitive scalps, eczema, heat, sunburn - 9; Religious - 9; Personal desire not to wear one - 6; Respiratory problems and asthma from strap - 2; Believe wearing a helmet to be a breach of human rights - 1; Causes glasses to mist while riding and cannot see - 1.

[from NZ Herald]

so there is hope


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