home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, November 22

i meet someone the other day who had a thery that some child rearlhods used today , such as seperate sleeping early weaning, scedule feeding, suplement bottles and pacifiers, minimal in-arms time, may be things once encouraged by the church (mainly Catholic).

the reason being that by parenting in this way, the natural post birth Lactational Amenorrhea
time is shortened and thus children are spaced closer together, and threfore having larger families and breeding a conrigation as opposed to getting off there butts and evangelising,

He also commented on the role of Control parenting , children arn't taught(or allowed) to be self-decerning and free thinkers but are forsed from day-one to fit into the regime, and accept anything that is said by the church. (or be shunned and shown no love from either parent or the very community they are a part of, )

The goal from birth is to be the autortarian control master over the child , not getting to know each child, (cos before the end of there babyhood a sibling would have been born), who would require more mother time.

Has this been a parenting influence that has been pasted down, so we can grow(breed) our church's in a cultish way ??

a very interesting thery,

Well with us anyway we believe that Jesus us the ultimate example of what God is like, We are called to be as Jesus in every aspect of our lives, for me i am called to be gentle, mercyful ,loving,
i am called to be the authoritive, but to be understanding to be as a shepard gently guiding my sheep, but also to nurture Lucy with the motherhood gifts (intuition) to fullfil the design he had when he made me a mother and a baby a baby. It is easy to dwell on their behavior as being sinfull with out questioning my own ( am i being the best example of Jesus) or am i suffering from plank eye syndrome.

..'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.' Matthew 25:35, 37, 40

arn't sure of these articals as i haven't read them yet but they sound interesting...

The Christian Ethics of Children: Emerging Questions and Possibilities
by John Wall

Luther's Regard for Children
by Jane E. Strohl

Rediscovering the Dignity and Complexity of Children: Resources from the Christian Tradition
by Macia J. Bunge


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