home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Thursday, October 27

peop.le look at me real strange when i say Lucy doesn't wear nappies and hasn't since she was 7 months old. (i only discovered EC then i know bubs that are diaper free from birth)
i don't have a walking stink bomb, or deal with nappie rash, or think of how disgusting it must be for her to be marinating in her own urine.

for lots of great lines on going peepee
see this father site
here are some goodys

"Some of the kids are old enough to be walking and talking (and probably playing skilful computer games) but they just lay there while their parent wipes the crap off their butts (and back)"

"Nappy is just another name for a strap-on poo bag. Don't be caught in a confined space with a toddler or child in nappies!"

"privilege of fermenting "


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