home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Wednesday, October 26

Home Birth Week.
here is my Home birthing experience

Lucy Aurora’s Birth Story

On Saturday Night I had some achey period like cramps which I thought nothing of ‘cause I had been having these off and on for about 2 weeks. I didn’t sleep to good and woke up and relised that David was listening to the Rugby with headphones which for some reason was really annoying. I felt great on Sunday morning and we went to church. Had more crampy feeling that came and went (now I realise they must have been contractions) . After church we went round to a friends house “(I was liking the idea of not having to prepare my own lunch at home,(hehe being tired from the night before”) any way we left before lunch was even ready, ‘cos I had some bloody show and more intense cramp feelings.

(1;30pm) While driving they started coming on stronger so we rung the midwife who said that labours often go on for awhile (24 hours +) and to ring her when things get full on. (which was only bout half an hour later)
The car decided to overheat at this point, and we had to ring some friend who lived near by to give us a ride home. (I really felt I needed to be at home now not trying to fix the car beside the road).

We got home and I started doing the dishes, every now and the having to stop and lean on the bench, and David and Kathy (a friend who was staying with us) got to work setting up the birth pool in the lounge.
No longer feeling comfortable doing the dishes, (which was a bummer cos i also wanted to bake a birthday cake).
I went to hang out on the bed leaning on a Swiss ball, (having a hard time accepting that I was in labour and that it had ruined my plans for an afternoon nap) David rang the midwife at this point and I threw up. And went to have a shower, which was sooo good, I remember trying to get out then having another contraction and stepping back in , I did this about 4 times knowing that I didn’t want to be in there when the hot water run out.
(2;15pm)Suzanne the midwife turned up just as I was getting out of the semi cold shower.
The pool was still being assembled and excruciatingly slowly being filled with water (the hot water coming from stock pots on the stove)
David stayed with me rubbing my back almost constantly now as I laboured in the bedroom, (much better now that I had accepted that this was gonna happen now and no longer fighting the contractions but visulising my body opening up as it was designed to do) I remember the afternoon sun streaming trough the windows between breaks in the clouds.
(2;55pm)Fiona the other midwife turned up and helped Kathy with the pool filling, At one stage Suzanne mentioned that I may have this baby on dry land, But I made it to the pool (4;20pm)(the pool was up to my belly button when I got in). but it was so good.
It was amazing going from the bedroom to the lounge and seeing that Kathy had brought in some of my pots of flowers from out side and placed them around the room also evening had fallen and the lamps where dimly lighting the room. I remember noticing it starting to rain as I got into the water.
I laboured in there for an hour before David decided to get it with me (which was much easier for rubbing my back and belly and talking me through relaxation). Which he did amazingly during each contraction he would tell me to relax my forhead, my shoulders, my feet , I concentrated mentally on doing this and remember floating my hands on the surface of the water and staring intensely into Davids eyes of at my artwork on the walls. the completely becoming a rag doll between contractions and having David support me completely,
I cant pinpoint transition but I remember Suzanne mentioning that it seemed to be getting more intense, I just smiled and nodded,
I didn’t really mentally register an overwhelming urge to push I just started doing it I remember Suzanne mentioning that I could properly feel the bulging head, I feel it and automatically (instinctively I guess )scraped my finger nail against it and my waters broke, (7;15 pm) then I could feel Lucy’s hair which was amazing.(7;30pm)(she didn't have much hair though)
Suzanne said that either David or I could catch her and bring her to the surface (I was in a squatting position grasping my heels) and Suzanne armed her self with our camera, David brought Lucy to the surface and gave her to me and we all cuddled in the pool for awhile. David cut the cord once it stopped pulsing.
Lucy was born at 7;52 pm just as a mighty storm started raging outside. 10 minute later the placenta came.
I got out of the pool and snuggled with Lucy on the couch she breast feed beautifully for awhile. At (9;15pm) Fiona took her to do the newborn checks and I had 2 tiny papercut tears checked out.
(9;25) David’s parent turn up and midwifes leave. I snuggle on couch with Lucy and David. While David parents make them selves a coffee ,heated up some leftover soup (I was hungry), and put some clean sheets on the bed. ('cos clean sheets are yummy not becouse they were dirty as such)

They didn’t stay long and soon we were alone still cuddling on the couch in our lounge, David ,Me and Lucy. Then off we were to Bed, yes! all three of us , cuddling up the wind and hail shaking our bed room. Glad we were at home.


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