home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Thursday, April 7

"the mighty battering rams: fight for turf, space and power "

"And therein lies the rub. These mothers say they want the world to value their children; but they won't let the children value the world. Apart from isolating them in those daunting contraptions, thus ensuring there can be no spontaneous social interaction, they then obliterate the child's forming view of the world, thereby implying it isn't interesting enough.

They hang a camouflage net of lurid toys, blocking out the soft filtered shadows of the trees, the reds and pinks of the fuchsias, the rustling of the wind and the distant barking of a dog. It's the equivalent of an infant's iPod, a full-on visual and audio - socially inhibiting - soundtrack to life."

thanks to Deborah for the link

also i read in the paper today that only 10% of mothers breastfeed past 6 months grrrrr i am certainly a minority, (i wonder what the figures are for 12 month olds???)


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