home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, March 22

I spent Sat night at my dear friend Kathy's house. As you might know she has a little person (Isis Jasmine) born 15 March.

My heart swells (a good thing) when i see/hear the way Kathy cares for and talks about Isis. She made the comment saying how much she missed Isis when she was having a shower and i was holding her! Surely God created Mums and Bubs to be together and have strong bonds of attachment and understanding,

The more i read into how our mind and bodys work (and also how our babys work) i feel even more convicted to do all i can to nurture my baby and grow in truly figuring her out, truely knowing her, and do all i can to build a strong close bond of trust between her and me.

In my reasearch I see how i have been designed and how Lucy has been designed by God to work together:

physically - science of breastfeeding, NFP, body temp regulation, synchronised sleeping patterns, breathing regulation, importance of human touch etc, how immune systems work, and how they can be built strong in babyhood and remain strong through life through the right nutrition etc. Interesting enough i'm reading about how regulating your emotions also learnt in babyhood can effect your immune system (but thats another post!)

and emotionally - secretion of mothering hormones (both calming, delay ovulaton, promote bonding etc etc) released in haveing baby in phsical closeness and breastfeeding. Soothing a baby stress/cortisol levels so they develop a normal base level, regulation of babys emotions, being sesitive and responsive to their comunications = healthy development of pre-frontal cortex part of the brain that empathises with others feelings. Being emotionaly avaliable/responding to baby's emotional needs as well as physical. Help form health pathways in the brain, these effect the way they react and interact with others, control their feelings both positive and negitive throughout their whole life.

If anyone is interested i can send you or refure you to numerous articals, studies and books on any of these subjects email me on starbellys @ paradise .net. nz (take out the spaces)

artical i found intersting :


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