home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Thursday, January 20

okay we have returned.
im getting set for selling clothes at a stall at the Petone market day on the 19 feb. lucy is busy getting ready to start moving (and is very frustated that she can't crawl yet). my favorite things at the moment are Breastfeeding! (i love it ) and snuggling up in bed with Lucy for a feed. her laughing, 1950's style line drawings, chocolate brownies, Bob Dylans "Oh Mercy" album, and Tommys new albumn 4000 years are all good too.

new sites i found:
nursing the older baby (yes i hope to nurse Lucy well into toddlerhood)

101 reasons to breastfeed
reason i especially like:

Breast milk acts like a natural tranquilizer for babyMother's milk. It contains chemicals that seem to work like "knock-out drops" for tired babies. Even if baby doesn't fall asleep, he/she will certainly calm down and become more agreeable. If you choose to breastfeed into toddlerhood, you may find that the "terrible twos" never materialize.

Breast milk always has the right proportions of fat, carbohydrates and protein. Formula companies are constantly adjusting these proportions looking for the best composition. The reality is that a mother's milk composition changes from feeding to feeding depending on the needs of her child. No formula can do that!

Breastfeeding acts like a natural tranquilizer for mom. Nursing mothers often joke about falling asleep on the job. The sleep inducing qualities of nursing a baby are remarkable. In fact, new mothers have to be careful to hold a nursing baby in such a way that they will not drop the child when they inevitably nod off. Nursing in bed is a great solution. Even pumping at work can be a great way to calm down and get refocused during a stressful day. All this relaxation is caused by the hormone oxytocin, which is released each time a mother breastfeeds. It decreases blood pressure and clams the mother. Interestingly, one study found that there were far fewer incidences of domestic violence and sexual abuse in breastfeeding families.Acheston, L, "Family violence and breastfeeding" Arch. Fam. Med. 1995, 4:650-652

Cows milk is designed for baby cows. Human milk contains completely different proportions of protein, fat, carbohydrates. Cows milk is designed to help put on weight quickly, grow amazingly fast, and develop only as much brain power as a cow needs. The natural hormones in cows milk are geared toward cows, not humans. The fact that human beings can even drink the milk of another species in sort of amazing when you stop to think about it.

Self confidence booster for mom. There is nothing more amazing than looking at a plump six month old baby and knowing that the only nutrition this happy little creature has received has come from your own body.

Breast milk may be a good natural antibiotic for wounds. No one is suggesting you throw away that tube of triple antibiotic cream just yet, but bacteria cannot survive long in fresh breast milk. Some mothers swear it helps prevent scrapes and scratches from getting infected.


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