home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Monday, November 29

essential babystuff we are told we have to have but don't have or haven't used yet;

+Babybath (i always jump in the bath or shwer with her)
+Baby lotion(why?) to cover up lovely baby smells?
+Vasiline (made from petrolium seem yukky to me!)
+Baby shampoo (i don't really see any need and they all seem to have sodium luaryl sulphate in them)
+disposible nappies (i make my own fitted cloth)
+basinette (we co-sleep)
+breast pump
+bottle and formula (just in case) what?????
+baby bottom cream (she hasn't any need yet)
+bleach for nappies (yukky)
+pushchair (i prefure slinging )
+maternity bras (and yep i do wear bras)
+wet wipes (i just cut up a traditional cloth nappy into small squares and keep moist in container)
+new clothes
+change table
+talcum powder
+baby monitor
+fancy nappy bag (although my little decaying suitcase may be thought of as fancy by a few people )
+nursing pillow

hears a list what others thought were "baby essentails"


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