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Wednesday, September 29

something i read today is that seventh day adventists live longer (on average 8 years) longer than every one else, Time magazine
Vegetarian diet ?
they have a rest day?

i found this here on seventh day adventist dietetic association website

Seventh-day Adventists saw the body, mind and soul as organs that responded favorably to fresh air, sanitary and hygienic principles. Further, they saw a balance between work and conditioning exercise. A special emphasis had been placed on self control (temperance) issues i.e.. abstaining from injurious tobacco practices, alcohol, the avoidance of patent remedies of the day in favor of natural remedies, the increased care for hygiene and sanitation, and a strong emphasis on plain and simply prepared foods, all of which came to fuller appreciation in the later 20th century.
The last quarter of the 20th century has witnessed the introduction of health principles for reducing fat and adding high fiber to the diet leading to a light or moderate use of meat and dairy products as preferable. This very teaching is basic to the Adventist teaching of abstaining from flesh food, the greater daily use of fruits and vegetables, and light to moderate use of dairy products, which in the nutrition world would be advocacy for a Lacto - ovo- vegetarian diet.

here are thier "Good Eating" Guidelines

A significant body of population-based research documents the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. For example, a paper published in 1999 summarized the results of a study associating diet with chronic disease in a group of nearly 35,000 Seventh day Adventists living in California. The members of the group who followed a vegetarian diet (defined as eating no red meat, poultry, or fish)had lower incidences of many diseases, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ischemic heart disease than the nonvegetarians (Fraser, 1999). Also in 1999, Key, et al., analyzed the combined results from five studies involving a total of more than 76,000 people that compared the incidence of disease among vegetarians (defined as eating no red meat, poultry or fish) to that of nonvegetarians with similar lifestyles. Mortality from ischemic heart disease was 24% lower in vegetarians than nonvegetarians (Key, et al).

And finally, heart disease and cancer of the breast, prostate, and colon are far less common among adults who grew up as vegetarian children.

another interesting artical on vegetarian diet

So what ever it is the SDA look like they've got something right.

sorry this is so scattered (format wise ) but i got a bubby to feed


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