home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, August 10

reflection of the day;
some families, some parents/children just seem to differ in personalitys and characters that causes tensions,(as it does with any human beings) dosen't matter how much they love each other. This seem to be a fact of life, understanding of each other seems to iron over some of these most of the time, but not always,

2004 International Breastfeeding
Photography Exhibit

The birth pool just got delivered to our place, it seems that the birth of our little sprog is not that far away at all. (the midwife thinks so anyway)
Bubba's got it's head way down and i'm getting heaps more preperation (Braxton Hicks contractions)
Looking around our home i feel completely confident in the fact that birthing the baby here surrounded by familar comforts and colour is where i feel most happy welcoming our baby into our lives.
So little one come on out of there and meet us face to face... love ya mamma


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