home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, May 4

"i'm tall enough to reach for the stars"(a) but my hands never go above my head.
searching my mind lately i have wondered what has held me back from reaching my fullest potential. why do i shrug off requests for my clothes designs? why do i have ideas but never do anything to follow them through? why do i fail to achive in the talents/Gifts God has intrusted on me?

The answers have seemed to float to the surface and jump out and bit me recently from murky seemingly unrelated sources,

1, I have to overcome low self worth (self esteem). It has dawned on me that this is one of the greatest gifts we can give our child, a feeling of unconditional worth, and a positive veiw that their gifts are of use and are valued and acknowledged, to help them see the strengths and posibilitys within themselves, This is what i need to learn myself now.

"theres no sucsess in failure and failure is no sucsess at all" (b)

Getting past a low self image, "trained to be modest and self-effacing, we automatically attack our own self-image. We deflect positive feedback, diminishing it with the claim, "it was nothing". If we are told our clothes are tastefully chosen, we hastily point out how cheap or old they are.......We vicitism ourselves in a trap of pervasive humility, questioning, and worrying about our real worth. Floundering in insecurity" (c)

"its difficult to risk doing new things when you doubt that you've got what it takes to do it. its frightning to expose the creative side of yourself when what you hear from others, and what you tell yourself don't measure up. Affirming people (including ourselves) through a positive attitude reflected in our speech and actions counteracts many peoples glib underminding of self esteem. Affirmation practices and projects the belief that people can do good. Affirmation can reverse the downward spiral and generate new self _esteem, productivity, cooperation,and joy"

(fig a)Fleetwood mac
(fig b)Bob Dylan
(fig c)Peace in the family by Lois Dorn pg 16
(fig d) “ “ “ “ pg 17

There still seem to be that niggling thought isn't being aware of and acknowledging/affirming thouse areas where you are gifted, PRIDE and Boastfulness? ??
But it is also wrong to wollow in a humilty that stops us from using my abilities to worship God??


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