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Monday, March 8

Theology for girls, things I have been thinking about lately,?

and it turns out the more I dwell on the thought of being a mother the more I become aware of how we are the parented by God and how we are examples of God/Jesus' love and grace for our child, (summary; I child learns what God is like by the way it's parents interact with him)
And the more I see this the more I believe in responsive gentle parenting, and in the more I learn about how I am designed to be a mother the more I believe God has designed me with instincts, that can be squished if I take "mans advise over it ,

Quotes by other people

"A mother can be confident that answering her baby's cries and meeting his need for comfort, as well as hunger, thirst, and all other baby needs, is clearly part of Gods plan. The heartfelt desires she has to nurture and protect her baby are God-given. In the Bible we see a mother as someone who is gentle and tender (I Thessalonians 2:7) and who comforts her child. In Isaiah 66:13, the Lord, our perfect example of a loving parent, says, . . . As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you (NIV). " Jeri Carr found in the article Nurturing Your Baby's Trust

"If I am not patient and forgiving and PRESENT to my child how will he understand when I tell him that God always forgives, always loves and is ALWAYS there? He won't understand because he has never felt it before. "
Katie from Gentle Christian mothers forum

"Babies communicate through crying, and their cries deserve a quick, nurturing response. There should be minimal separation between mother and baby, and parents need to be sensitive to their children's need to be close to them and not force separation before their child is ready. Children greatly benefit from lots of physical touch, and babies can not be held too much" this quote was found here To me this makes perfect sense, i know that i'll long/want to hold my baby close and to comfort it, this is what i am designed to do.

"Grace-Based Discipline is about modeling, being kind and firm, teaching (discipline), correcting (verbally admonishing), respecting and being respected in a way that can only come from relationship. The right relationship you create with your child foreshadows the right relationship your child seeks with his creator." for more info on GBD look here
a loverly site by a Grace based disciplining mum

please look here for more information on Grace Based discipline (yes! non-punitive)

arms of love the articals are diffenantly worth a read

specially :
The concept of GBD
Do Unto Others...Expanded
Active Parenting

(please don't get offended if my veiws on smacking differ from yours)

Yep my views would be considered by many as alternative, but when i actually dwell on thinking about how was i designed to to this, biologically, pysically,?!, how does mother/baby interaction come into play?!, what is a baby actually feeling, eg loneliness, afraid, abandoned etc are these valid feelings ?? thinking of a baby as a blessing from God, a Brother/sister of the covernant,

David and my mindset isn't to try get the baby on scedule, or sleeping through the night, learning to be by themselves and to comfort themselves etc etc but to get to know our child, it's temprament, it's personallity, it's faults and it's talents. To help our child feel right We think that if a child feels right it is much easyer for them to act right, this is part of building a strong base of trust with the child. and last but not least to lead our child to christ
We have decided to live in harmony with each other, baby,mother,father, to become sensitive to each other and to "move in-sync" we feel this is according to Gods design. (We don't want it to be us-vs -baby, We don't beleive in training a young infant by means of restraint/detachment parenting. )

So there we have it, And when this little person arrives we plan to To be Aware and to grow in our God given intuitions, to be and grow sensitive to it's communications and needs, to be in harmony, to do all we can to encourage a bond/attachmemt of trust and love,


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