home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Tuesday, December 16

here i am in a internet cafe once again, i would just like to state that the failure of proformance from our home computor is indeed NOT my beloved husbands fault and i am sorry if this was implided by my earlyer posts,

I do feel that the lack of putor workability is crushing the spontanity and thus blocking me from gracing this blog with my presence and thoughts......

So much that it seems that Starbellys is a singular unit and i have no interests or opinions other than that of my husbands which is untrue in many ways. So please forgive my absence and join the almagamation of thoughtful people to remind my man that 'He Is The computor Man' and he can fix our home computor woes and thus reconnect his wife with the blogging community.


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