home of David and Ange's splurbs on Natural/conscious living that affects all aspects of our lives, and other happenings....

Friday, November 7

Ok a bright new day has emerged from what was a day of unsteadiness, I tend to sink into a hole now and then of thinking I'll never succeed in anything, and in great fear that all creativity has left me behind. What am I actually doing?, why do I have all these plans in my head but when the opportunity bounces along in front of me I lack the confidence to stretch out and grab it. GRRRR

I feel a quote from the great bob Dylan fits in will here

"In the dime stores and bus stations,
People talk of situations,
Read books, repeat quotations,
Draw conclusions on the wall.
Some speak of the future,
My love she speaks softly,
She knows there's no success like failure
And that failure's no success at all."

so I have sailed another storm that I inflicted on myself and have docked with my weak self-confidence still holding by a thread
"and I will succeed I will indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed) Kid you'll move mountains!"

All's good and it's another day,


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