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Thursday, November 20

Fasting, I used to fast once every two weeks for a day (24+ hours). Why fasting? I was told it's good to let your body have a break from food so it can use that energy for rejuvenating and flushing toxin from your system, here's some stuff I found on fasting:

"Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants.

All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time fasters sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit.

Perhaps the most important benefit of fasting is that it thoroughly cleans and purifies the bloodstream.

Blood is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body, and it must also carry away metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion in the kidneys and lungs.

Blood is also the body's immunological watchman, circulating white blood cells, enzymes and other immunity factors are on 24-hour-a-day 'search-and-destroy' missions against invaders.

Dirty blood simply cannot perform these functions properly. As a result, malnutrition sets in, resistance plummets, toxemia becomes a chronic condition, and germs have a field day invading your most valuable tissues.

Unless you live an ascetic life far from civilization and avoid all dietary folly, your blood and other tissues are bound to accumulate toxins and generally lose their functional vitality.

If you don't purge yourself of these toxins on a regular basis, toxemia gets worse and worse, until the body cannot stand it any longer and either purges itself spontaneously in form of diarrhea, acne, pimples, boils, 'liver spots', foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath, and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, tuberculosis and other fatal conditions."

Okay that all sound a bit full on, but anyway I have noticed when I fasted regulary I was much more bright eyed, had heaps more energy etc
Anyway so today is a fast day, where I'll drink lots of water and herbal teas,and towards the end of the day I'll be getting quite hungry so I usually drink some freshly squeezed organic juice (usually carrot, apple, beetroot and ginger) then tomorrow ill eat fruit and vege, seeds and nut with lots of organic juice and water.


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